Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Speckled Boy

        Puzzle Pieces

  Culture is the background of who someone is. It helps the puzzle fit together and make one feel complete. Hugo struggled with his puzzle which led to his moving novel and the experiences he he had that were the root of pain and complications. Hugo Hamilton deeply desired a home of his own where he belonged and a “homeland” that he could call his own without restrictions and demands. It took a length of time for Hamilton but he sifted throughout the madness and found where his home truly was. 


   Hugo struggles with confronting his past due to his father naming his children, “speckled people”. He understand he is more than just speckled with half-Irish and half-German descent but “we're marked. It means we're aliens and we'll never be Irish enough, even though we speak the Irish language and my father says we're more Irish than the Irish themselves”.

     Trying to fit into a culture that Hamilton’s family was not born into was a major struggle just like it would be with anyone. Everyone wants to hold onto their cultural roots but Hugo's father made it difficult and uncomfortable for his family. Hugo made a statement, “When I grow up I'll run away from my story, too. I have things I want to forget, so I'll change my name and never come back".

    No one like to be the odd man out or the black
sheep Everyone faces the chances of not fitting in. 
With Hugo he was bound to not fit in. His roots made his life more difficult than many are use to. If we 
are not forced to speak a language we usually do not or made to change ourselves for something else 
then we are to be very thankful.

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